Guava FARMER (Psidium guayava)

Guava Guava is also called. Batu or guavas. Scientific name is Psidium guayava. The tree height could reach 3 to 10 meters and many branches. Bark surface smooth, hard and flaking.Short-stemmed leaves are elliptical or elongated. Width 3 to 6 cm in length, while 6 to 14 cm.It's green. The young leaves slightly hairy, gray color. The flowers out of the armpit, leaves and white color. Yarn is also a white sari, easy to fall out. Guava fruit is still young hard, but if you are old enough will become soft. Guava plant by cuttings or by using bijinya.Tunas roots can also be used as seeds. A good spacing is 6 to 8 meters. These plants come from Central America. Now that has spread in Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Cashew can grow well in lowlands or in the mountains, until at an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level. If ditanarn in many areas that contain water and get adequate rainfall, the results will be very good. 

Today we can find Guava pembudidayaanmelalui result of successful selection, which has been conducted within a long period of guava obtained virtually no seeds. This is called Jambu Jambu Susu. Apart from that obtained all kinds of guava fruit that can produce almost as much finger bowl. Cashew is known as the Cashew Bangkok.
Guava is called people with a variety of names. The issue is simple. Guava called because many seed pulp. Because of the time eaten, seeds, when chewed biii read klutuk-klutuk, then there are those who call it. Guavas. Moreover, the seed that when chewed was hard like a rock, then this is called also rose Jambu Batu. Cashew-narna Stone with another name, which daglng red fruit excellent for jelly-making material used. Even now there are factories in our country that makes the drink
This fruit juice. Juice is good for diminumi, because this guava contains vitamin A and C.
Cashew Milk, because not many bliinya and his men were bigger, it good to eat, but delicious taste of losing the Guava. red pulp that.
Cashew Breadfruit, on the market called the Jambu Bangkok. The fruit is large and does not have seeds. Unfortunately some men seem more bland than fruit tassel mentioned above this.
All types of guava has been mentioned that nice to be processed into jam or jelly. Flesh-pink fruit seeds contain pectin is a lot. Jelly contain pectin produced resembles gelatin pudding. No longer contains the parts of the fruit came from, such as skin, seeds or meat
fruit as often found in ordinary jam.
Apart from nutritional nrempunyai nuai high, this fruit can be eaten to prevent leak-leak (diarrhea) due to common colds. Guava fruit seeds also contain a substance tanner. Guava leaves are used also as a
medicinal fabric. Traditional cough medicine that has long known, is by boiling the leaves of young Guava with rock sugar. Cooking water was dirninum as cough medicine. Guava leaves also contain tanner approximately 9%. 

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