FARMERS soursop (Annaona muricata)

Soursop fruit is often also called the Dutch Jackfruit, Jackfruit Mandalika Sabrang and fruit.Perhaps because Soursop fruit rnemang not native to Indonesia. Soursop plants came from the West Indies. Soursop fruit is eaten ripe fresh after the first peel. Apart from that, too many are used to make juice, lunkhead and to
ice syrup mixture. Soursop fruit form irregular. There are round, some are oval and some have, curved shape. In other words, the shape of a kidney-shaped Soursop than to be shaped like an egg.
Fruit leather is complemented by soft spikes of green color.

While still young green fruit, the ripe color become hij au blackish. Dagrng white men and
contains lots of fiber. Soursop black seeds. Shape rather
oval and flat. Within each fruit there is plenty of seeds.
Soursop tree trunk has a low branching. High tree between 3 to 8 meters. Elongated leaves with a lancet shape or inverted oval. The flowers stand alone face to face with leaves. Like the cone of interest. Light yellow color. Basic interest sunken, her sari yarn
quite a lot, so will the fruit. Soursop plant using seeds. Can also patch or by grafting. Fruiting season is in January and February each year. One month before the planting hole was to be prepared. Preparation done by 6 meters distance. How to plant it the same way, to plant other fruits. Similarly, the next maintenance,
New Soursop tree fruit can be picked after the age of 3 years. Soursop growing need to establish tree canopy of leaves for about 2 years. Period of transition from infancy to the time period required to bear approximately 1 year. Fruit is formed before the 3-year-old trees, usually fall out, especially if you have
water shortages during the dry season. The possibility of this fall fruit
can be prevented. How to irrigate the land around, Soursop tree until moist enough. But the collapse of flowers and fruits can also be caused by something else.
For example the balance between the use of the substance Starch for Growth,
The leaves and starch accumulation of substances in the fruit will transition was not balanced.Fruit that has been formed, often not so, grow up because they do not receive food distribution that will properly ditimbunnya, fruits that can not grow properly, the fall out by itself. To overcome this: that, Soursop tree should be
fertilizer as food Enhancer during the transition can also itu.Sehingga. to immediately enter the period of flowering and fruiting. Lagr better if fertilization was carried out before any flowers or fruit fall. Giving regular fertilizer once a year. Manure used sufficiently.


sajadah anak said...

get the fruits in

asuransi takaful said...

good posting

world cup schedule said...

greats article..nice posting..

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