Illegal logging in Indonesia occurred at various forest sites, especially in the area felled former location. Forest Management Rights which are readily available network of timber transportation road (logging road network). The potential commercial timber harvest in the former concession area (diameter of more than 30 cm) estimated less than 40 cubic meters per hectare. The total installed capacity of the timber industry in Indonesia requires a timber of about 80 million cubic meters. In Indonesia, no less than 51 million cubic meters of round wood produced each year from illegal logging activities. Total volume of timber theft increased more when the total volume of timber produced in the cross-border smuggled Indonesia-Malaysia (Borneo Island) as well as smuggling by sea (from forest sites in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua) were taken into account. Each year, estimated at more than 10 million cubic meters of round wood and sawn wood or large size smuggled abroad. Every second, two cubic meters of timber was stolen (60-70 million cubic meters per year). Every minute, ten football fields destructively harvested (3.8 million hectares per year). Every minute, the state lost money USD. 17 to 50 million (U.S. $ 9 to 30 million a year). Few people enjoy the USD. 2 billion per year. Word Bank's estimate of total losses in illegal logging U.S. $ 15 billion per year. Estimates of illegal logging in Indonesia: 30 - 55 million cubic meters per year.

The need for actual wood to feed the timber industry in Indonesia (mainly industrial plywood, sawn timber and industrial plup and paper industry) in 2002 for 63 million cubic meters. To meet the needs of the Indonesian people themselves, is estimated each knowledge required 25 million cubic meters of logs. So the total gap between supply and demand for roundwood per year in 2002 is estimated at 76 cubic meters. (total demand minus total supply in 2002 the number: 76 million cubic meters. a huge gap is all met from illegal logging activities (illegal logging)

During an estimated 80% roundwood consumption by the timber industry in Indonesia comes from stolen timber. Total economic losses due to illegal logging practices in Indonesia is estimated by the Ministry of Forestry to reach 30.4 trillion per year. Total economic losses, not including the total environmental and social costs that occur as a result of increased forest damage due parahknya rampant illegal logging in Indonesian forests

Over the last few years, illegal logging is also rampant occur in conservation areas and kawasna lindug. For example occurred in a national park in the Harbor Center in Central Kalimantan.Mount Leuser National Park in northern Sumatra, Kerinci Seblat and TN in South Sumatra / Jambi / Bengkulu and Trench Mountain National Park in West Kalimantan., TN Betung Karihun in West Kalimantan, Kutai in East Kalimantan TN, TN Lore Lindu in Central Sulawesi, TN Swamp in Opa Watumohai Southeast Sulawesi, and various other locations throughout Indonesia TN

Illegal logging activities in various regions when this is done openly. Community groups to steal timber by using chain saw, menyarat and put logs on the side of the road freight timber or pulpwood, or skid trails made himself, and then transported by open truck to various locations of timber management industry has a legal and management permit illegal. In certain locations, such as in Malaysian border in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, which reported a theft of wood by using heavy equipment such as tractors

Some of the stolen logs is processed directly at the location where the theft of forest timber.Many saw mills (mill wood pengergajian) newly established wild in various locations around the forest area. Now the number has reached thousands œsawmillâ € â €?? wild spread in various districts, especially outside Java. Some logs and sawn timber.

Where our forests?
- More than 70% of forest area has been logged
- At least 40-60 million hectares have been damaged badly
- The speed of deforestation reached 2.4 to 3.8 million hectares per year.
- The level of deforestation Indonesia> 1.6 million hectares per year

Estimates of illegal logging in some countries
- Cameroon (50%)
- Brazilian Amazon (90%)
- Bolivia (90%)
- Indonesia (more than 50%)
- Myanmar (80%) --
Cambodia (94%) 

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