Otaheite gooseberry (Cicca acida)

Ceremai plants in general are wild plants that are not maintained. Most dliumpai as plants in the pages of the house. Ceremai sour fruit is ripe though. Usually fruit Ceremai
made sweets or as a mixture made rujak. Fruit color Ceremai yellowish white, both are still young and ripe. To discern what has been cooked, small enough to be seen big men alone. Young fruit smaller. Otaheite gooseberry fruit collected in a single stem that is not too long. When these plants are fruiting, will look as if its branches filled with fruit. Ceremai tree height can reach 10 meters. The leaves are small and shady. It's green.Young leaf color slightly whitish. As at the time of fruiting, flowering season Ceremai trees also look as if the branches are filled with white flowers reddish. Flowers Ceremai easily fall out. To place the growth, tree Ceremai does not require certain conditions. Enough if the growth of many areas where rainfall.Yet when planted in the lowlands, the result will be more satisfactory. 

Planting can Ceremai dilakukandengan patch or by way of seeds. Apart from that also can be done by cuttings. By way easier to do cuttings. Ceremai fruit trees during the rainy season.Ceremai tree is often planted as a tree house dipekarangan protector. In Latin Ceremai called; Cicca acida. Ceremai trees began flowering in the dry season, July and August. The fruit is ripe on bulanSeptember until October. Besarbuahnya approximately sebesar.gundu only. As already mentioned earlier in this paper, tutu's fruit inam sekali.Tetapi Ceremai precisely because it was acid, fruit Ceremai untukdipakai sought as a spice in various cuisines to feel fresh. Besides used as a spice in cooking and made salad, fruit Ceremai.
Ceremai planting can be done by patch or by seeds. Apart from that also can be done by cuttings. By way easier to do cuttings. Ceremai fruit trees during the rainy season.
How to make candied Ceremai, usually carried out as follows; Ceremai provide a ripe fruit on the tree as needed, and then washed clean. After that garirm soaked in water for more than 3% or less
15 minutes. Then Ceremai fruit softened by grinding
slowly. Do not be pressed too hard to keep that fruit ga
do not get broken. Furthermore the water is squeezed fruit one by one and washed again with plain water, until all acids remaining on the fruit, swept clean. After that, fruits are soaked in lime water for several hours, then washed with clean water lagr before it is inserted into
in a thick sugar solution for one night. After one night, or the next day, the fruit removed from the sugar solution. Then placed on a filter agan sugar water dripped down. Sugar water was dripping
accommodated in a saucepan. Sugar solution so that it can be put ntal, this pan is used to accommodate semba heated sugar drops. After the sugar solution thickens, then cooled. After a cold, fruit Ceremai put back into it. That was done repeatedly until the fruit is red Ceremai.Otaheite gooseberry fruit is ready-made sweet, pierced with a stick, puncture or stab bamboo satay. Well, this is the only fruit eaten manisannya like eating satay.


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anda pasti suka sajadah anak

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